S E A T T L E  S K Y L I N E
I spent an evening at Gas Works Park in Seattle, photographing the skyline. The weather was beautiful for once. Photographing through a sunset, I had to change my camera's settings almost constantly. I took advantage of this, playing around with getting different looks out of the same view.
The water was flowing a lot, but there was no classic Seattle haze. I slowed down the shutter to create some of my own, giving the water a wonderful softness (and letting some of the boats motion-blur their way out of the shot).
I called this one "Date Night".
They don't call it "Golden Hour" for nothing.
The boat life here was so fun, and calming, to watch.
As the city lit up for the night, I had to slow things down one more time. Here's 30 seconds of Seattle.​​​​​​​

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